The individuals who appear are for illustrative purposes. All persons depicted are models and not healthcare professionals.
Driving clinical excellence, access, and sustainability in cardiac PET imaging for more than 30 years.
Bracco understands the commitment required to start, grow and maintain a successful cardiac PET program because we’ve been in the business since 1989.
DISCOVER Your Half Hour of Diagnostic POWER.

Cardiac PET MPI
Convenient, on-demand generator-based agent for cardiac PET imaging

The innovative diagnostic tool that helps you get more from your cardiac PET imaging

Why Bracco?
Committed to excellence in cardiac PET for almost 30 years

Cardiac PET MPI
Convenient, on-demand generator-based agent for cardiac PET imaging

The innovative diagnostic tool that helps you get more from your cardiac PET imaging

Why Bracco?
Committed to excellence in cardiac PET for almost 30 years
“There are no clinical scenarios where PET should not be considered a preferred test for patients who meet appropriate criteria for a stress imaging test and who require pharmacologic stress.”
ASNC/SNMMI Position Statement
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Bracco continues to advance our technology and service to deliver the best solutions in cardiac PET imaging.
- Safe, efficient cardiac PET MPI offers diagnostic confidence2-4
- Convenient for patients and clinicians
- Enhanced patient management for your busy practice
See what EXPERTS
have to say.
See what the experts and patients of Cardiovascular Institute of the South in Houma, Louisiana have to say about the benefits of cardiac PET.
1. Bateman™• Dilsizian V, Bean lands RS, et al. American Society of Nuclear Cardiology and Society of Nuct.ear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Joint Position Statement on the Clinical Indications for Myocardial Perfusion PET. J Nucl Med. 2016; 57(10):1654-7656
2. Cardiogen-82 (Rub;dium Rb 82 Generator) for Positron Emission Tomography Myocard;at Perfusion Imaging, full Prescribing Information. Monroe Twp. NJ: Bracco Diagnostics Inc. October 2020.
3. Kiran R. Nandalur, MD. Ben A. Dwamena, MD. Asim F. Choudhri. MD. Sirisha R. Nandalur, MD, Priya Reddy. Ruth C. Carlos. MD. Diagnostic Performance of Positron Emission Tomography in the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease: A Meta-analysis. Academic Radiology. Vol 15. No 4. April 2008.
4. Brian A. Mc Ardle. MB, BCH, Taylor F. Dowsley. MD, Robert A. deKemp, PHD, George A. Wells. PHO, Rob S. Beanlands. MD. Does Rubidium-82 PET Have Superior Accuracy to SPECT Perfusion Imaging for the Diagnosis of Obstructive Coronary Disease? JACC. Vol. 60. No. 18. 2012.